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6/15/2024 5:01 PM
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Animal Success Stories

Happy Tales

Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...

Harley's Brave Journey   Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...

You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here

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Oscar #13...FL

From Oscar and Tandy (Now Kandy) forever home: These are the pups sitting on the back of the couch in my living room. That way they can see anyone who walks by and alert me! Aren’t they adorable! Oscar is doing great. We had a little learning curve about pooping in the dining room but without crate training, I was able to get him completely house trained. I also adopted a little girl that had been in foster care with Oscar at Diane's as well. Her name was Tandy but I changed it to Kandy Kane because she is so sweet. She also had the "poop in the dining room" problem, probably because he did. It took me about a week but for the past 3 weeks, no pooping in the dining room. I simply put "treats" (carrots or some of the weight maintenance dog food) in my pocket. I faithfully walked them right after I fed them in the morning (around 6). When they pooped outside in the grass, they got a treat. This is for peeing too. They also get a treat when we get back from out walk at the front door for being such good dogs. This is repeated at 10:15 AM and when I get home from work around 7. No accidents, even when I am gone. Positive reinforcement at work. Oscar is such a lover. He will wake me up in the morning (yes, a little early) by lying on my chest with his head under my chin. It is truly a hug. Kandy comes out from underneath the covers and gives me kisses. Who could not love this. >Thank you, AADR for the good work you do and for blessing me with two more wonderful dachshunds. > Lyn

Oscar and Meyer...CA

Oscar and Meyer are doing awesome! When we got them, they felt like family instantly and we are all IN LOVE!!! They are the most affectionate and loving doxies ever and super smart too! It's been 2 weeks and it feels like a lifetime, I don't even remember how it was before... They are happy, healthy, playful and love the backyard! Lots of squirrels to bark at, you know... We had 2 dogs before, so I was wondering how the boys and my dogs will adjust, but the "love" happened almost instantly, and all of them just love to sleep together in a big pile :) All of it is so cute and wonderful, that I have a hard time leaving for work every morning, I just want to stay home and play with them all day :) My home feels like one big worm dogie bad, everywhere you look there is a dachshund! It feels like the happiest place on earth and it IS!!! So hard to belie that someone would give away so much joy! We are so grateful to AADR for all the help with this adoption, we got one of our dogs through AADR before and it is always a wonderful experience! I made a little collage with Oscar and Meyer and their new dog family. Oscar and Meyer are on the bottom cushion of the couch, they are the smaller red doxies (Oscar is short haired and Meyer is long haired) The big red short haired dachshund mix is Baci (we also got him from AADR, his name was Red) and black and ten is our only girl Lola (Baci and Lola are on top cushion) HUGE thank you to AADR again, especially your president Diane Irvin, who pretty much handled this adoption personally. Love, kisses and HUGE hugs to all of you! Lana, Alex, Oscar, Meyer, Baci & Lola

Oscar 2..TX

Oscar is doing just great! He is adjusting well, and we just love him so much. He is an adorable little cuddle-bug. He sleeps with me every night, and goes happily into his crate with his favorite chew toys when I leave for work and the kids leave for school in the morning. I come home for lunch each day, and now that spring has come, he spends the lunch hour running and playing in the backyard, or just sunning himself. When it was still cold-he snuggled in my lap while I ate my lunch. Then he only has about an hour in the crate before my daughter comes homes from high school. He goes with her to pick up my son from junior high. The three of them hang out until I get home from work. He loves his chew toys and the occasional outing to Petsmart. He is so friendly, and doesn't know a stranger. What a great day it was back in January when Oscar became a part of our family!


Ollie is the sweetest, gentlest little soul I have ever met. He listens really well and just wants to snuggle on the couch or in the bed. He hasn't torn up anything or been mischievous in any way. He's a really great dog and a perfect addition to our family. And he and my husband have bonded like nothing I've ever seen. They are big buds and always sit together - it's really cute!

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