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Last Updated:
6/16/2024 3:18 PM
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Rainbow Bridge

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Max Reilly, RIP 2024
I adopted Max in October 2019 from All American Dachshund Rescue. He settled into my life easily. He was fun and a clown and an avid hunter. Max loved to take long walks, and be outside. He also loved to chill and watch movies. Believe it or not he was not much of a barker, which is rare. He was my world. He was my best friend and there’s not a day that goes by where he is not missed. -Suzannah

Rosie Breedlove, RIP April 2024
Our sweet Rosie left us today to join forces in the hereafter with the 9 other Breedlove dogs who have preceded her. She was with us for barely 2 years, a senior rescue from All American Dachshund Rescue, a sweet quiet presence. She and her brother Franz had an uneasy relationship of mutual respect and fear. She came to us with a Cushings diagnosis but she was unbelievably symptom free until about 2 months ago, when it hit her really hard really quickly. Coupled with a few other issues, there was just no stopping the disease in spite of the best efforts and expertise of her veterinarians. We shall miss her sweet but insistent presence in our lives she was small but she was MIGHTY!

Banjo, RIP 3/24/2024
B A N J O….OUR MIRACLE BOY! All dogs are special, we know that, but if you are really really lucky…in rare instances, one dog will literally grab on to your heart and soul and live there forever. For me, that was my dog, Banjo. Banjo was rescued by AADR as a puppy. He had been hit by a car and was given a 50/50 chance at survival for not only one surgery, but two. He first survived diaphragmatic hernia surgery and healed well enough to, a few weeks later, endure major leg surgery. Banjo’s leg was broken in three places at the knee, both hips were broken, and one hip was completely separated from the leg bone. Thanks to AADR and Dr. Story, Banjo beat the odds again and survived his second surgery. He was given the nick name “Miracle Boy” and while he would always have a limp and some physical limitations, he was ready for his forever home. I had followed Banjo’s story on the AADR website and contributed to his medical bills. His story was heartbreaking yet uplifting. I couldn’t help but notice that AADR did all that for Banjo but he remained on the site for some time waiting for someone to adopt him. Finally, I could not watch from afar anymore. We adopted Banjo in 2009 and he became forever a part of our family. His gentle and friendly disposition won the hearts of so many children and adults; all who knew him loved him. Banjo always seemed to understand what he had been through and what AADR had done for him and was so grateful. He appreciated the smallest of life’s simple pleasures or acts of kindness and demanded nothing in return. He was undoubtedly the best dog we have ever owned. As Banjo approached his 17th birthday, he experienced many medical challenges, most of which he survived. Unfortunately, Banjo grew tired and pain was setting in and I had to make one of the hardest decisions a pet owner can make. On March 24, 2024, Banjo crossed over to Rainbow Bridge where he is now able to run and play without pain. The paw prints he left on so many hearts will remain with us forever. Thank you AADR for giving us the blessing of Banjo, our Miracle Boy; he truly changed our life! We think we rescue them, but it’s really them that rescue us. -Sharon & Frank Kaelin

Hernan Murphy, RIP 3/31/2024
Adopted as ‘Thunder’ at 8 months old from AADR on Feb 22, 2009, momma changed his name to Hernan after the likes of Hernan Cortes the Spanish conqueror. When he arrived home, he was very skinny and had kennel cough but did everything he could to please his momma despite being ill. He was a very sweet and affectionate pup with a soft side. He was the first to cuddle up and entertain any new fosters mommy and daddy brought home. Hernan was a BIG eater and he loved treats. Once when mommy and daddy were gone, he got into the treat closet and ate a huge bag of treats but didn’t share any with his two siblings. With his bloated tummy, it was clear who the culprit was. It just so happened that he was supposed to be fasting for an upcoming vet visit. Momma said he was the love of her life; however, daddy called him momma’s little PITA (but everyone knows daddy had a soft spot for little Hernancito!) Hernan was momma’s ever-present shadow … everywhere that momma went, Hernan was sure to follow. Every time he went to the vet, Hernan was endearing to the entire staff. Technicians would stop what they were doing to come see their adorable bundle of love Hernan. Towards the end, he conquered blindness, he conquered deafness, and he conquered loneliness after losing his best buddy and ‘brother’, Diego, 2 years earlier. It was truly a blessing to have him pass on a beautiful Easter Sunday in 2024 at the age of ‘almost 16 years old’. We will miss our affectionate little conquistador Hernan. He’s left a big hole in our hearts! -Belen Ortiz and Mike Kelly

Annie, RIP 3/6/2024
Last Wednesday, March 6th, 2024, we had to say goodbye to our sweet girl. She was such a brave girl, fighting jaw cancer since August of 2023. She had the best fall, going to the park, being her usual sweet, wonderful self. Sunning in the afternoon, begging for one more treat. Taking chemo like a champ. Annie came to us in 2016 from AADR and instantly brought so much energy to our family of one dachshund, Addie and a cat, Novie. Novie would hardly come up from downstairs for almost a month, but then they became typical sisters. Annie, whose name was Sophie when she came to us the Summer, we lost our dachshund girl named Sophie, became such a big part of the family. She loved going for walks, chasing bunnies in the back yard, chasing her cat sister. Evenings she had her spot on the couch and loved snuggling next to one of her mothers. When it was time to go potty before bed, she would roll on her back as if to say, "look how cute I am, I don't need to go potty yet"! She would get a belly rub and then off to bed. I thank AADR for this precious girl and the joy and love, and companionship she brought us, although our hearts are breaking right now, we know she is running free without pain. We love you dearly sweet Annie.

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