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Shelbyville, TN 37160
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Last Updated:
6/15/2024 5:01 PM
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Animal Success Stories

Happy Tales

Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...

Harley's Brave Journey   Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...

You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here

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Harley is doing wonderful. He brings so much joy to our family. We couldn't have gotten a better puppy with such a great personality if we tried. He has adjusted right into our home and has all of us wrapped around his little paws. We love him so much.


Hatter is doing very well. He is still adjusting a little. We are working on security issues with a trainer. He has anxiety but we are working on that too. He's more secure every day.  We love him to death. He is home and going nowhere. Pics to follow. Thanks for letting us rescue such a wonderful dog

Honey Bee...NC

Honey Bee is doing wonderfully. Stella (also an AADR rescue) is getting along with her, they are not actively playing with each other, but they are not fighting. They lay together on the sofa and will share a bed without getting possessive. So, I believe we are all a fit. We hike and I just bought a Doggy trailer for my bicycle and the two of them enjoy the ride. 

Honey has claimed a toy duck and all though she will share it when it is free she goes and gets it. 

We are in love with her for sure. She was under weight when she came to us and she is just about normal weight now. 

Haley Lou....TN

Haley Lou is doing great. I absolutely love her and she acts as if she has been with us forever. I have the cutest video of her licking my other dachshunds ears after bath time...so sweet!! She has quickly found her place in my heart forever. I love all the milestone behaviors that she is quickly accomplishing. I will forward along some of my favorite pictures of her in hopes to portray how happy she truly is! Thanks so much!!


Just wanted to let you know that Hans - formally spelled Honze is doing very well. He is snuggling with Honey ( her head in under the blanket) on the couch in this pic. He is very healthy and happy - and loved tremendously. I'm so happy that I was able to adopt him from you guys. He has been with me since last July...I met you in Nashville to pick him up. Thx again Sheri

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