377 Comstock Rd.
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Last Updated: 2/15/2025 7:29 PM
© 2025 AADR
Animal Success Stories
Happy Tales
Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...
Harley's Brave Journey Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...
You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here
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Jacob is waiting to go in our house after a fun walk. He got a new squeaky frog this week and decided to take him along. He held on even when 3 rabbits hopped across the sidewalk.
Nicer weather today as temperatures finally dropped below the 90's. It is getting very dark now so we should be getting some rain soon. Jacob and I are just enjoying being in the yard.
I hope your summer is going well.
Jana in FL
I can't thank you enough for Jana. She is such a pleasure. We are still working on housetraining but there have only been a couple accidents. I have found her favorite spots for rubbing (under her chin and her belly). She loves to be brushed. Charlie is still very much her protector. When he goes out the dog door he holds the flap for her sine she hasn't figured out how to open it. When Jana goes to sleep she curls up in this tiny ball then Charlie wraps himself around her like he is giving her a hug.
Thank you again.
Callie means beautiful in Greek, so she is my 'Callie baby' :) one pic is of her 'begging' my son for a 'bite' of his supper(which is a 'no-no'), her curled up in her doggie bed, which she uses during the day, and one of her cute little face. Hope you enjoy the pictures, I sure do enjoy her, I'm so glad my youngest son and his wife told me about your site.....they live in Crossville, Tn, and that is how I learned about your organization...what a great job you do for these little furry friends, thank-you :)
Jackie (a very happy new mommy)
"Sparky" Bob (previously Joey) is the kindest, sweetest, most loving doxie we have ever had the pleasure to "own us". Our matriarch, Zoey, fell in love with him the first minute he walked in the door. We have never seen her react to another dog that way. Diane was right. Dominate females sometimes do better with males.
He loves to hunt "critters" in our yard with Zoey and he loves to play, play, play with Ginger. They are all a perfect combination. They provide us so much entertainment and joy. He also has enjoyed our present foster, Nolan. (Nolan enjoys them all....talk about outgoing and happy!)
We are so happy we made the decision to adopt Sparky! He is our second AADR adoption and we so appreciate all you do for doxies! He is one of the loves of our lives for sure!
first...i decided that the cats aren't that scary after all. and they don't like when i smell their butts so what use are they anyway......
so i sat with mom and lily by the pool. thats always nice.
then kelsey (hooman sister) and mom were floating around. i jumped on kelseys raft and floated with her....mom was floating nearby.
after all that hard work, i needed to sunbathe for awhile
mom also started a really fun class with me where i get to jump over things, and run a lot!
fun fun fun!!!
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